Thursday, July 13, 2006

Audio Files for FinalAssignment (Assgn 2)

1) Make sure that your data files are there on your server otherwise your files will be unplayable.

2) You must export your audio files out of audacity to mp3 (preferable) or wav files. That way I can play them. Go to file, then click export to mp3 and work accordingly.

You must do this. I will NOT hunt for them and will assume that you have failed to complete your final. Test it yourself before you turn in the final on your servers.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Guide to Paper portion of Final Assignment (Assg 2)

Please ensure that your final paper is in Microsoft word format as I have word and not word perfect most readily available.

1) As for turning your assignment in physically, I'm still working out the details. Most importantly, you must have it on your server and I've checked, and you at least have the files there.

2) Finally in brief, the paper should essentially put all the pieces of your assignment together.

a) It should be as many pages as is needed to fully explain why and how you
created your particular sounds.

b) Things to think about: How does the sound fit the character's action or emotion? Consider why you chose to create the sound your chosen way and not another?

c) Also, think about the effectiveness of the actual sound or music present in the game. Are you improving it or otherwise.

d) This paper should go hand in hand with your sound files. Therefore, use the same name as your filename on your server when describing or referring to your manafactured/chosen sound or music extract.This way, there will be no doubt as to which sound you are talking about.

e) The paper also ensures that you will give credit where credit is due, to your musical sources and any sounds that you pull from digital libraries.

f) Remember, this is a paper so make it interesting, logical and flowing. Organize it well!

g) Research wisely. is not a proper academically researched source. Your sources should be peer edited ones. Use books as well as internet sources please.

h) Think outside the box to make your paper unique and interesting. Do not just rely on these suggestions.

I hope this gives you more guidance with the paper component of the final assignment.

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